Friday, February 7, 2014

Are we in trouble?

On February 7, 2014, Time posted a article titled House Republicans Get Debt Ceiling Giggles. The topic of how to raise the debt ceiling is still a real problem for Republicans. With the Treasury Department warning the debt ceiling must be raised by February 27. This has now left the party stumped about what it wants to do. Talk of floating attached debt-ceiling to approve the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline and repeal of an obscured provision in the health care reform law, but both ideas have gone nowhere in the conference, according to leadership aides. These ideas are not going over to well with Democrats, and it has been advised President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who are both firm that the House pass a "clean" debt-limit increase, with no strings attached. Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) said, " We shouldn't be negotiating over the full faith and credit of the United States government.

Based on article published today February 7, 2014 in the Time. If there is not a resolution Treasury will be left with cash on hand if it exhausts its borrowing capacity. Which could possibly lead to another financial showdown in a midterm election year.

These articles are worth the time to read. We all need to be well informed on what is going on with the debt and what does Congress plan to do about it. In a whole this could greatly effect us all and o possibly result into another government shutdown, if this is not resolved.

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