Friday, April 25, 2014


Failure to pay taxes is bad news for the average American, but not for the IRS employees who owe back taxes. In an article that was posted in Forbes, titled "The IRS And The Tax System: Integrity And Fairness For Whom?", it reports that between October 1, 2010, and December 31, 2012, 1000+ IRS employees who received $1million in cash rewards, over 10,000 hours of time paid-off and 69 quality step increases, were all in some sort of tax compliance problem. Not to mention, over 2,800 employees who were with conduct issues, which required disciplinary actions also received $2.8 million in monetary awards, 27,000 time off rewards and 175 step quality increases, but somehow Congress does not find this as to be a conflict of interest, and could care less. If that doesn't add salt to the wound.

Now, I'm not sure what Government we are talking about, but I could of swore we were speaking of the US Government, "our" government? The government who we are suppose to uphold to the utmost high in making sure that all that we are doing and is being done for us is done by the laws and regulations (Bill of Rights and Constitution) of this nation; however, if we have government employees who are not withholding and practicing the same standards that "We the People" are suppose to be withholding and practicing, how can our government expect us to do the same?

So, if the salt didn't sting, or this whole ordeal didn't leave you with a bad taste in your mouth, maybe the IRS mission statement will...

Provide America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all.
 "INTEGRITY and FAIRNESS to ALL"  How is integrity and fairness to all  being shown? I will tell you, it's not! But, I guess integrity and fairness to all ONLY applies the those of the government?!

In my opinion, I would like to see these same employees, who owe back taxes and have been awarded monetary compensation receive the same treatment that "we" receive when taxes are owed. Liens, harassing phone calls, abundant of letters and tax refunds taken to cover the amount of taxes owed. I also feel that Congress needs to address this issue and not sweep it under the rug in hopes this will blow over. But of course, all this is wishful thinking.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Inia's post on all of the issues that lie within the IRS, as well as several other government agencies. The Internal Revenue Service, of all people, should be the ones that are compliant the most out of all U.S. citizens. How can they expect for the "average Joe" that works maybe a full time job, has a mortgage to pay and family to raise as well as plan for a decent retirement keep up one hundred percent of his or her taxes whenever their own employees do not do such. Especially with the employees that have discipline issues. There is no logical reasoning as to why anyone with back taxes that works at the IRS or for any government agency for that matter, get any type of annual compensation bonus. The employees that have discipline issues are definitely being mislead by being awarded with such merits and/or awards. It sounds like to me that whoever is in charge of these employees is not competent to effectively do their job or else the employees with such discipline issues would not be getting awarded with such bonuses.

    A similar situation has occurred with an EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) employee that was caught watching anywhere from two to six hours of porn since 2010 while on company time on a company computer. What happened to this individual you ask? Well he still has his job and is still getting paid. This employee pretty much got a slap on the wrist, if that. The immediate supervisors of this employee personally told members of Congress that they are not doing anything about this issue. This employee is getting paid 120K dollars a year and receiving performance awards, yes I said PERFORMANCE awards. Don't you just love how our government is leading by such a superior example.
